American Method

The American method is suitable for several groups:
-People who have used corticosteroid creams for some time
-People who have used products with very strong ingredients and have taken their skin away from full consciousness
-People who have resistant skin
The American care method is a bit aggressive and has immediate effects, so there should be full awareness of the skins and ingredients of the products.

By presenting a valid degree from Hazrati Academy

نرگس حسینی زاد

Narges Hosseini Zad


Course topics

-Review of skin anatomy and physiology topics
-Category of skin types based on American method
-American Cleaning Technique
-American-style international cleansing technique
-The classic American cleansing technique
-Moisturizing in the American method
-Do anti-wrinkle in the American method
-Anti-sagging in the American method

About the academy:

Hazrati Academy values ​​the health of people’s skin and hair and has always been at the forefront of it. Understanding the skin and its appendages, the possible side effects and injuries with the use of cosmetics, this academy has decided to put the knowledge of the skin and skin complications at the top of all its lessons.
This academy has been and will be very professional and in accordance with the first-class academies of the United States and Europe, with the support of the best topics and recognizing the needs of people in the community regarding skin problems in meeting the professional needs of the Iranian society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Other skin courses:

Skin anatomy and physiology

Greek medicine

Work with machines

Massage different facial lines

Recognize materials and tools
